This is, as far as I have been able to determine, the World Wide Web’s most extensive list of clinically recognized phobias. This list may take a few moments to download because it is hundreds of items long. If you can supply other clinically recognized phobias to add to this list, please contact me. Please cite a reference for any new phobias you submit.
Thank you!
– Dr. Fred
Achluophobia - fear of darkness
Acousticophobia - fear of noise (a branch of phonophobia)
Acrophobia - fear of heights
Aerophobia - fear of aircraft or flying
Agoraphobia - fear of open places
Agyrophobia - fear of crossing streets
Aichmophobia - fear of sharp or pointed objects such as a needle or knife
Ailurophobia - fear/dislike of cats, a zoophobia
Alektorophobia - fear/dislike of chickens, a zoophobia
Anatidaephobia - fear/dislike of ducks, a zoophobia
Algophobia - fear of pain
Ancraophobia - fear of wind or drafts
Androphobia - fear of adult men
Anthropophobia - fear of human beings
Apeirophobia - excessive fear of infinity, eternity, and the uncountable
Aphenphosmphobia - fear of being touched
Apiphobia - fear of bees, a zoophobia
Apotemnophobia - fear of amputees, and/or of becoming an amputee
Aquaphobia - fear of water. (Distinct from hydrophobia, a scientific property that makes chemicals averse to interaction with water, as well as an archaic name for rabies.)
Arachnophobia - fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions, a zoophobia
Astraphobia - fear of thunder and lightning
Atelophobia - fear of imperfection
Autophobia - fear of isolation
Bacteriophobia - fear of bacteria
Basophobia or Basiphobia - fear associated with astasia-abasia (fear of walking/standing erect) and a fear of falling
Batrachophobia - fear/dislike of frogs and other amphibians, a zoophobia
Belonephobia - fear of needles or pins
Bibliophobia - fear of books
Blood-injection-injury type phobia - a DSM-IV subtype of specific phobias
Cacophobia or Aschimophobia - fear of ugliness
Carcinophobia - fear of cancer
Catoptrophobia - fear of mirrors
Chemophobia - fear of chemicals
Cherophobia - fear of happiness
Chiroptophobia - fear/dislike of bats, a zoophobia
Chromophobia or Chromatophobia - fear of colors
Chronophobia - fear of time and time moving forward
Chronomentrophobia - fear of clocks
Cibophobia or Sitophobia - aversion to food (synonymous with anorexia nervosa)
Claustrophobia - fear of having no escape and being closed in
Coimetrophobia - fear of cemeteries
Coprophobia - fear of feces or defecation
Coulrophobia - fear of clowns
Cyberphobia - fear of computers
Cynophobia - fear/dislike of dogs, a zoophobia
Dental fear or Odontophobia - fear of dentists and dental procedures
Dentophobia - fear of dentists
Diagraphephobia - fear of deleting files or an extreme fear of losing your computer data
Domatophobia - fear of houses
Driving phobia or Driving Anxiety - fear of driving
Dysmorphophobia or Body Dysmorphic Disorder - a phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect
Ecophobia - fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection in a mirror
Emetophobia - fear of vomiting
Enochlophobia - fear of crowds
Entomophobia - fear/dislike of insects, a zoophobia
Ephebiphobia - fear of youth; inaccurate, exaggerated, and sensational characterization of young people
Equinophobia - fear of horses
Ergophobia or Ergasiophobia - fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating
Erotophobia - fear of sexual love or sexual abuse
Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia - fear of the color red, or fear of blushing
Eurotophobia - aversion to female genitals
Frigophobia - fear of becoming too cold
Gamophobia - fear of marriage
Gelotophobia - fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia - fear of bridges
Genophobia or Coitophobia - fear of sexual intercourse
Genuphobia - fear of knees or the act of kneeling
Gerascophobia - fear of growing old or aging
Gerontophobia - fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly
Globophobia - fear of balloons
Glossophobia - fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak
Gymnophobia - fear of nudity
Gynophobia - fear of adult women
Hadephobia – Fear of hell
Hagiophobia – Fear of holy people, places and things, like saints
Harpaxophobia – Fear of being robbed
Halitophobia - fear of bad breath
Haphephobia - fear of being touched
Heptadekaphobia or Heptadecaphobia - fear of the number 17
Hedonophobia - fear of obtaining pleasure
Heliophobia - fear of the sun or sunlight
Helminthophobia or Scoleciphobia or Vermiphobia -fear of worms, a zoophobia
Hemophobia or Haemophobia - fear of blood
Herpetophobia - fear/dislike of reptiles or amphibians, a zoophobia
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666
Hippophobia - fear/dislike of horses, a zoophobia
Hodophobia - fear of travel
Hydrophobia - fear of water
Hypnophobia or Somniphobia - fear of sleep or nightmares
Hypochondria - fear of illness
Iatrophobia – Fear of doctors
Ichthyophobia – Fear of fish
Ideophobia – Fear of new ideas or thoughts
Illyngophobia – Fear of vertigo
Insectophobia – Fear of insects
Iophobia – Fear of poison
Isolophobia – Fear of isolation
Ithyphallophobia – Fear of an erection
Japanophobia – Fear of Japanese people
Judeophobia – Fear of Jews
Kainolophobia – Fear of novelty
Kakorrhaphiophobia – Fear of failure
Katagelophobia – Fear of ridicule
Kathisophobia – Fear of sitting down
Kenophobia – Fear of empty spaces
Kinemortophobia – Fear of zombies
Kinetophobia – Fear of motion
Kleptophobia – Fear of theft
Koinoniphobia – Fear of rooms that are full of people
Kopophobia – Fear of fatigue
Koniophobia – Fear of dust
Lachanophobia – Fear of vegetables
Leprophobia – Fear of leprosy
Leukophobia – Fear of the color white
Ligyrophobia – Fear of loud noises
Lilapsophobia – Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Limnophobia – Fear of lakes
Linonophobia – Fear of string
Liticaphobia – Fear of lawsuits
Lockiophobia – Fear of childbirth
Logophobia – Fear of words
Luiphobia – Fear of syphilis
Lutraphobia – Fear of otters
Lygophobia – Fear of darkness
Mageirocophobia – Fear of cooking
Malaxophobia – Fear of love play
Mastigophobia – Fear of punishment
Mechanophobia – Fear of machines
Megalophobia – Fear of large things
Melanophobia – Fear of the color black
Melophobia – Fear of music
Menophobia – Fear of menstruation
Merinthophobia – Fear of being tied up
Metathesiophobia – Fear of changes
Methyphobia – Fear of drinking alcohol
Metrophobia – Fear of poetry
Microphobia – Fear of small things
Mnemophobia – Fear of memories
Motorphobia – Fear of automobiles
Musophobia – Fear of mice
Mycophobia – Fear of mushrooms
Myrmecophobia – Fear of ants
Mysophobia – Fear of dirt and germs
Myxophobia – Fear of slime
Necrophobia – Fear of death, dying and dead things
Neopharmaphobia – Fear of new drugs
Neophobia – Fear of anything new
Nephophobia – Fear of clouds
Noctiphobia – Fear of the night
Nomatophobia – Fear of names
Nomophobia – Fear of losing or being without your mobile phone
Nosocomephobia – Fear of hospitals
Nostophobia – Fear of returning home
Novercaphobia – Fear of stepmothers
Numerophobia – Fear of numbers
Nyctophobia – Fear of the dark
Obesophobia – Fear of gaining weight
Ochophobia – Fear of vehicles
Octophobia – Fear of the number 8
Odontophobia – Fear of dental surgery
Odynophobia – Fear of pain
Oenophobia – Fear of wines
Oikophobia – Fear of home
Olfactophobia – Fear of odors
Ombrophobia – Fear of rain
Ommetaphobia – Fear of eyes or eye care
Omphalophobia – Fear of belly buttons
Onomatophobia – Fear of certain words or names
Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes
Ophthalmophobia – Fear of being stared at
Opiophobia – Fear of opioids
Optophobia – Fear of opening one’s eyes
Ornithophobia – Fear of birds
Osphresiophobia – Fear of smells
Ostraconophobia – Fear of shellfish
Ouranophobia – Fear of heaven
Pagophobia – Fear of ice or frost
Panophobia – Fear of an unknown evil
Papaphobia – Fear of the Pope
Papyrophobia – Fear of paper
Parasitophobia – Fear of parasites
Pathophobia – Fear of disease
Peccatophobia – Fear of sinning
Pediophobia – Fear of dolls
Pedophobia – Fear of children
Pentheraphobia – Fear of your mother-in-law
Phalacrophobia – Fear of going bald
Pharmacophobia – Fear of medicines
Phasmophobia – Fear of ghosts
Philemaphobia – Fear of kissing
Philophobia – Fear of love
Phobophobia – Fear of phobias
Phonophobia – Fear of loud noises
Photophobia – Fear of light
Phthisiophobia – Fear of tuberculosis
Placophobia – Fear of tombstones
Plutophobia – Fear of money or wealth
Podophobia – Fear of feet
Pogonophobia – Fear of beards
Poinephobia – Fear of punishment
Porphyrophobia – Fear of the color purple
Proctophobia – Fear of rectums
Pteridophobia – Fear of ferns
Pteromerhanophobia – Fear of flying
Pupaphobia – Fear of puppets
Pyrophobia – Fear of fire
Quadraphobia – Fearing the number four
Quintaphobia – Fearing the number five
Quadriplegiaphobia – Fearing becoming a quadriplegic or being afraid of quadriplegics
Radiophobia – Fear of radiation, X rays
Ranidaphobia – Fear of frogs
Rhabdophobia – Fear of being beaten or punishment
Rhypophobia – Fear of defecation
Rhytiphobia – Fear of getting wrinkles
Rupophobia – Fear of dirt
Russophobia – Fear of Russians
Samhainophobia – Fear of Halloween
Sarmassophobia – Fear of love play
Satanophobia – Fear of Satan
Scabiophobia – Fear of scabies
Scelerophobia – Fear of bad men, burglars
Sciophobia – Fear of shadows
Scoleciphobia – Fear of worms
Scolionophobia – Fear of school
Scotomaphobia – Fear of blindness
Scriptophobia – Fear of writing in public
Selenophobia – Fear of the moon
Seplophobia – Fear of decaying matter
Sesquipedalophobia – Fear of long words
Siderodromophobia – Fear of trains
Siderophobia – Fear of stars
Sinistrophobia – Fear of left-handedness
Spectrophobia – Fear of mirrors or the undead
Spheksophobia – Fear of wasps
Social Phobia – Fear of social evaluation
Somniphobia – Fear of sleep
Staurophobia – Fear of the crucifix
Stenophobia – Fear of narrow places
Symbolophobia – Fear of symbolism
Symmetrophobia – Fear of symmetry
Syngenesophobia – Fear of relatives
Syphilophobia – Fear of syphilis
Tachophobia – Fear of speed
Taphephobia – Fear of being buried alive
Tapinophobia – Fear of being contagious
Taurophobia – Fear of bulls
Technophobia – Fear of technology
Teleophobia – Fear of definite plans
Testophobia – Fear of taking tests
Thalassophobia – Fear of the sea
Thanatophobia – Fear of death or dying
Theatrophobia – Fear of theaters
Thermophobia – Fear of heat
Tocophobia – Fear of childbirth
Tonitrophobia – Fear of thunder
Toxiphobia – Fear of poison
Traumatophobia – Fear of injury
Tremophobia – Fear of trembling
Trichopathophobia – Fear of hair disease
Trichophobia – Fear of loose hair
Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13
Trypanophobia – Fear of needles or injections
Turophobia – Fear of cheese
Uranophobia – Fear of heaven
Urophobia – Fear of urine or urinating
Vaccinophobia – Fear of vaccinations
Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful women
Verbophobia – Fear of words
Verminophobia – Fear of germs
Vestiphobia – Fear of clothing
Virginitiphobia – Fear of rape
Vitricophobia – Fear of stepfathers
Walloonophobia – Fear of the Walloons, an ethnic group native to Belgium
Wiccaphobia – Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia – Fear of strangers or foreigners
Xanthophobia – Fear of the color yellow
Xenophobia – Fear of strangers
Xerophobia – Fear of dryness
Xylophobia – Fear of forests
Ymophobia – Fear of being contrary or contrariety in general
Zelophobia – Fear of jealousy
Zemmiphobia – Fear of the great mole rat
Zeusophobia – Fear of God or gods
Zoophobia – Fear of animals